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Ben IlegboduBen Ilegbodu

Integrating Bugsnag into GatsbyJS and Netlify

Code snippets on how to hook up Bugsnag into a Gatsby app and enrich the integration through Netlify

Friday, June 05, 2020 · 4 min read

About a month ago I upgraded my site to Gatsby v2 and I’ve been learning a lot about how to do various things in Gatsby. I recently introduced minishops to the site, which are focused 3-hour workshops online.

I’m using Eventbrite to collect and pay for registrations and it uses a cool javascript overlay so that attendees don’t have to navigate away from my site. However, with more complex UX & JS comes a greater potential for errors. As a result, I wanted to add Bugsnag JavaScript error monitoring to my site.


I’ve been using Bugsnag for several years and the latest way it integrates with React is pretty clever. In the beginning, there was just a single JavaScript integration that I'm pretty sure hooked into window.onError. Now they’ve been adding specific library/framework integrations through plugins in order to have richer (and easier) error reporting.

Now the React plugin exports an ErrorBoundary that wraps your entire app like you would do for global context or a Redux provider.

From the Bugsnag React docs, the integration looks something like:

// initialize bugsnag ASAP, before other imports
import Bugsnag from '@bugsnag/js'

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import React from 'react'
import bugsnagReact from '@bugsnag/plugin-react'
Bugsnag.use(bugsnagReact, React)

// wrap your entire app tree in the ErrorBoundary provided
const ErrorBoundary = Bugsnag.getPlugin('react')
    <YourApp />


This would work great for your typical app (created by Create React App let’s say) but doesn’t work with GatsbyJS. Because Gatsby is taking care of pre-rendering and a whole host of other optimizations, it handles how and when the app is actually rendered to the DOM. There is no place in Gatsby where we’re explicitly calling ReactDOM.render().

Gatsby does however, have a wrapRootElement() hook that allows us to add Bugsnag’s ErrorBoundary before Gatsby takes over to continue doing its thing. We call it in gatsby-browser.js.

const React = require('react')
const Bugsnag = require('@bugsnag/js').default
const BugsnagPluginReact = require('@bugsnag/plugin-react').default

  apiKey: process.env.BUGSNAG_API_KEY,
  plugins: [new BugsnagPluginReact()],

const ErrorBoundary = Bugsnag.getPlugin('react').createErrorBoundary(React)

exports.wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (

This setup is the minimum needed to get the Bugsnag error handling working in the Gatsby environment.


However, there are other nice additions we can add to make our Bugsnag error reporting even more helpful. And that’s where Netlify, the static site hosting service that I use, comes into play.

While developing locally I generate lots of errors. Also when I push up PRs, I get Deploy Previews which serve as a sort of staging environment. For now, I would still like to report errors that happen in those environments, but I would like to separate dev/staging errors from Production errors. In addition, when users on Production encounter errors, I would like to know which “version” of my app caused the error.

We can differentiate in which environment errors occurred by using the Bugsnag releaseStage configuration and the app version by using the appVersion config. We can add the configurations to Bugsnag.start():

  apiKey: process.env.BUGSNAG_API_KEY,
  plugins: [new BugsnagPluginReact()],
  releaseStage: process.env.CONTEXT || process.env.NODE_ENV,
  appVersion: process.env.DEPLOY_ID,

All environment variables are available to the Gatsby build. From the Netlify docs, the CONTEXT environment variable is the “name of the build's deploy context. It can be production, deploy-preview, or branch-deploy.” In development, it’ll fall back to NODE_ENV which Gatsby sets as development. Now I’m able to see in which environment an error occurred.

Since I don’t version my apps, I use the DEPLOY_ID environment variable that also comes from Netlify. It’s the unique ID that Netlify uses for the deploy. The value really doesn’t mean much to me, but at least provides it is a unique ID so that I can associate which deploy introduced the error.

Bugsnag, however, provides a JS API (and CLI) to report deploys to them. And I can associate git information with the reported deploy so, in the end, I can associate an error with the merged PR that caused it!

I notify Bugsnag of the recent deploy after I finish successfully building the app in Netlify. My Netlify build command runs npm run build and I added a "postbuild" script to do the reporting:

  “scripts”: {
    “build”: “gatsby build”,
    “postbuild”: “NODE_ENV=production node scripts/bugsnag-build-reporter.js”,

Technically there are more steps that happen in the Netlify deploy process after this step. So even if the build is successful, the deploy may still fail. But I couldn’t find a post-deploy hook in the Netlify CI where I could run a command.

Lastly bugsnag-build-reporter.js that uses the bugsnag-build-reporter package looks like:

const reportBuild = require('bugsnag-build-reporter')

// load environment-specific .env file to read
// those values into `process.env`
  path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,

const reportBugsnagBuild = async () => {
  try {
    await reportBuild({
      apiKey: process.env.BUGSNAG_API_KEY,
      appVersion: process.env.DEPLOY_ID,
      releaseStage: process.env.CONTEXT || process.env.NODE_ENV,
      sourceControl: {
        provider: 'github',
        repository: process.env.REPOSITORY_URL,
        revision: process.env.COMMIT_REF,
    console.log('successfully reported build', process.env.DEPLOY_ID)
  } catch (err) {


The BUGSNAG_API_KEY environment variable is stored in .env.development and .env.propduction files. I use dotenv to load those into process.env.

I started off using the reporter CLI, but the command with all of its arguments got super long and I also needed to be able to retrieve the BUGSNAG_API_KEY variable from the .env.* files. So I went with using the JavaScript API instead.

Wrapping it up

So that’s it! It’s really just the setup of Bugsnag in gatsby-browser.js and then using the Bugsnag build reporter after a successful build of the Gatsby app. It seems simple now, but I had to do a whole bunch of research and digging into Github issues to get it all sorted out. So hopefully, these code snippets will help significantly save you time.

Interestingly enough, these snippets are primed to be wrapped in a Gatsby plugin, Netlify build plugin or probably both. But I don’t know how to create either one of those, and I can’t spend time going off on a tangent. Instead, you got this blog post for now!

Keep learning my friends. 🤓

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Hi, I'm Ben Ilegbodu. 👋🏾

I'm a Christian, husband, and father of 3, with 15+ years of professional experience developing user interfaces for the Web. I'm a Google Developer Expert Frontend Architect at Stitch Fix, and frontend development teacher. I love helping developers level up their frontend skills.

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