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Ben IlegboduBen Ilegbodu

New collections

Sunday, December 20, 2015 · 13 min read

Now that we covered ES6 classes we should be through all of the syntactic sugar that ECMAScript 6 offers. We can now focus on the new functionality introduced with ES6. The main focus in the next few articles will be all about asynchronous programming. We'll ultimately talk about generators, but there are a few building blocks we need to get through first. The new collections we'll talk about now aren't really building blocks for generators, but I feel that they are important to learn. In addition, they are types of iterables which we'll deep dive into in the next article.


ES6 introduces four new efficient collection data structures to mitigate our ab-use of object and array literals.

A Set contains a unique set of values of any type:

let set = new Set([true, 'Ben', 5])


// output: 6

// output: true

Map provides a mapping of keys of any type to values of any type:

let map = new Map()

map.set('foo', 'bar')
map.set(true, 'Ben') // non-strings can be keys

// output: Ben

// output: 2

WeakMap provides memory leak-free lookup of objects to values of any type:

let $leftButton = $('#leftButton')
let domMetadata = new WeakMap()

domMetadata.set($leftButton, { clickCount: 0 })

WeakSet provides memory leak-free collection of unique objects:

let $leftButton = $('#leftButton')
let clickedDomNodes = new WeakSet()


The differences between the 4 collection types are subtle but important. Be sure to clone the Learning ES6 Github repo and take a look at the new collections code examples page showing off the features in greater detail.

To learn how to use these collections you could just read documentation because they are just new APIs. However, to know why you would want to use each one, I suggest you keep reading.


You may be thinking. Why do I need to use Map when I can just use a POJO (plain ol' JavaScript object)? At first glance it certainly does look just like an object literal. But up until now we have been abusing JavaScript objects as maps. They were intended for holding loosely, abtitrarily-nested structured data much like XML. But when there's only one level indexed by string keys, they basically look like maps.

ES6 now introduces a true map data structure appropriately called Map.


The Map constructor takes an optional array of [key, value] pairs that are added when the Map is created. If you omit the array, an empty Map object is created.

let allStarVotesEmpty = new Map()

let steph = new Player('Stephen Curry')
let kobe = new Player('Kobe Bryant')
let lebron = new Player('LeBron James')

let allStarVotesInitialized = new Map([
  [steph, 50],
  [kobe, 0],
  [lebron, 22],

Right now, there doesn't seem to be much difference between an object literal and a Map. In fact the Map seems like more syntax. But that's about the change...

Handling values

One limitation of using object literals as maps that you may have run into is that object literals only support using strings as keys. Any key you set on an object literal that is not a string will get coerced into one.

let steph = new Player('Stephen Curry')
let kobe = new Player('Kobe Bryant')
let lebron = new Player('LeBron James')

// Build up votes lookup table using
// ES6 computed property keys
let allStarVotes = {
  [steph]: 50,
  [kobe]: 0,
  [lebron]: 22,

// output: true
// the player objects are coerced to the
// strings "[Object object]"
console.log('[Object object]' in allStarVotes)

Another issue is the looseness in determining if a key is a part of a JavaScript object. Doing a truthy check doesn't work if its value can be falsy:

let allStarVotes = {
  'Stephen Curry': 50,
  'Kobe Bryant': 0,
  'LeBron James': 22,

// truthy check doesn't work because 0 is a
// valid value and is falsy
if (allStarVotes['Kobe Bryant']) {
  console.log('Kobe Bryant is a candidate')

Getting the size of the object is also not very straightforward nor efficient. The quickest way is to get the length from the array of keys.

let allStarVotes = {
  'Stephen Curry': 50,
  'Kobe Bryant': 0,
  'LeBron James': 22,
let numCandidates = Object.keys(allStarVotes).length

Using vanilla JavaScript objects is also susceptible to a security issue because you could unintentionally overwrite properties inherited from Object.prototype (such as toString):

let allStarVotes = {
  'Stephen Curry': 50,
  'Kobe Bryant': 0,
  'LeBron James': 22,
allStarVotes.toString = 'overwritten'

// Error!
// toString is not a function

Map clears up all of these issues.

  • Map.prototype.get(key) retrieves the value mapped to key. This replaces indexing into a vanilla JavaScript object using dot- or bracket-notation. It returns undefined if the key is not present. There's no way of providing a default unfortunately.
  • Map.prototype.set(key, value) maps the specified key to the specified value. This will overwrite any existing value for the key or create a new one. This replaces assigning to a vanilla JavaScript object using dot- or bracket-notation. It returns a reference to the instance, so Map.prototype.set is chainable.
  • Map.prototype.has(key) checks for the existence of the specified key in the map, solving the existence issues described above with vanilla JavaScript objects
  • Map.prototype.delete(key) removes the value mapped to the specified key, returning true if the value was removed and false otherwise. This replaces using the delete keyword with either dot- or bracket-notation.
  • Map.prototype.clear() removes all entries from the map. With vanilla JavaScript objects we would do map = {}, but that just set map to a new empty object as opposed to clearing it out.
  • Map.prototoype.size efficiently returns the number of entries in the map.
let steph = new Player('Stephen Curry')
let kobe = new Player('Kobe Bryant')
let lebron = new Player('LeBron James')
let allStarVotes = new Map()

allStarVotes.set(steph, 50).set(kobe, 0).set(lebron, 22)

// output: 50

// output: false
console.log(allStarVotes.has('Kevin Durant'))


// output: 2


// output: 2


Map provides three methods that return iterators over its data (in insertion order):

  • Map.prototype.keys() returns an iterator over just the keys of the map
  • Map.prototype.values() returns an iterator over just the values of the map
  • Map.prototype.entries() returns an iterator over [key, value] pairs of the map

We haven't actually talked about iterators and how they work yet (that's coming up in the next article), but the following code should be pretty self-explanatory:

// log each player name since player
// is a key in the map
allStarVotes.keys().forEach((player) => {

// log each all star vote count since
// count is a value in the map
allStarVotes.values().forEach((count) => {

// log each player name and his votes count
// together. Ex: 'Stephen Curry (50)
// Uses array destructuring to assign [key, value]
// pair into separate variables
allStarVotes.entries().forEach(([player, count]) => {
  console.log(`${} (${count})`)

We learned earlier that the Map constructor accepts an array of [key, value] pairs. That's only a part of the story. It actually accepts any iterable of [key, value] pairs. This means that we can quickly clone a Map object by passing its Map.prototype.entries() iterator to the constructor of a new Map (because we just showed it returns an array of [key, value]):

let allStarVotesCopy = new Map(allstarVotes.entries())

But actually, it gets even better. Map objects have what's called a default iterator. And that default iterator is Map.prototype.entries(). This means we can clone a Map object by simply passing it into the constructor:

let allStarVotesCopy = new Map(allstarVotes)

The for-of operator also works with a default iterator so we don't need to call .entries() when we loop:

// log each player name and his votes count
// together. Ex: 'Stephen Curry (50)
// Uses array destructuring to assign [key, value]
// pair into separate variables
for (let [player, count] of allStarVotes) {
  console.log(`${} (${count})`)

And since the constructor takes any iterable, we can also easily merge raw data with Map objects to create a new object by using the spread operator:

let durant = new Player('Kevin Durant')
let cp3 = new Player('Chris Paul')
let theBrow = new Player('Anthony Davis')

let russell = new Player('Russell Westbrook')
let carmelo = new Player('Carmelo Anthony')

let moreAllStarVotes = new Map([
  [durant, 20],
  [cp3, 5],
  [theBrow, 10],
let rawData = [
  [russell, 12],
  [carmelo, 15],

let mergedMap = new Map([...allStarVotes, ...moreAllStarVotes, ...rawData])

The spread operator works with any iterable not just arrays, so we can use it to create a concatenated array literal, which we then pass into the Map constructor. The amount of code or helper libraries it would take to do this in ES5 with vanilla JavaScript objects would be immense.

And don't worry if you don't fully understand all of this iterator business. We'll cover iterators and iterables in great detail in the next article. Hopefully having this background on collections will make that discussion make even more sense.

Map also exposes Map.prototype.forEach(loopFunc) which is similar to Array.prototype.forEach(loopFnc) (introduced in ES5) and a functional approach to using Map.prototype.entries():

allStarVotes.forEach((count, player, map) => {
  console.log(`${} (${count})`)

The third parameter passed to the function by Map.prototype.forEach() (map in the above example) is a reference back to the map object. In the case of the arrow function we used above, it wouldn't be necessary because allStartVotes is still in scope. But if we were instead passing a named function, having that third map reference parameter could come in handy.

Although Map does have forEach, it doesn't have filter or map. You will first have to convert the Map object to an array of [key, value] pairs (using the spread operator like [...allStarVotes]), do the filter/map operation, and then construct a new Map object from the result. Hopefully this functionality will be added in the future.

Map vs Object

So now that we've learned about all that Map can do, should we replace all uses of vanilla JavaScript objects with Map? Well, not exactly. If you're wanting to map anything other than strings to data values, you have no choice; you need to use Map.

However, if you're mapping string keys to data values, you have options. A good rough guideline deals with the types of keys in your map. If you're keys are fixed/static then just use a vanilla JavaScript object. It's really simple to do map.keyName. If your keys are dynamic (you're indexing into the map using variables), then use a Map: map.get(varString).


You've probably heard of a map before, but what's a weak map? A WeakMap is a subset of a Map. You can call it a "Map with restrictions." It's not iterable, so it doesn't have a .size property nor .clear(), .entries(), .keys(), .values() or .forEach() methods. All keys must be objects; no strings, numbers, booleans or symbols (more on these later) allowed.

let steph = new Player('Stephen Curry')
let kobe = new Player('Kobe Bryant')
let lebron = new Player('LeBron James')
let allStarVotesWeak = new WeakMap()

allStarVotesWeak.set(steph, 50).set(kobe, 0).set(lebron, 22)

// output: 50

// output: false
console.log(allStarVotesWeak.has('Kevin Durant'))


It's probably not immediately apparent why you would use a WeakMap over a normal Map when it's so restrictive. And what's up with it only supporting objects as keys? Well Nicolas Bevacqua explains it well in ES6 WeakMaps, Sets, and WeakSets in Depth:

The difference that may make WeakMap worth it, is in its name. WeakMap holds references to its keys weakly, meaning that if there are no other references to one of its keys, the object is subject to garbage collection.

When you use an object as a key in a Map object. Those object keys will never get garbage collected as long as the Map object is around because the Map object still has references to them. This can cause memory leaks if nothing else has references to these object keys. However, if the object keys in a WeakMap have no other references to them, those objects will be removed from the WeakMap object and available for garbage collection. This prevents the chance of a memory leak.

One use case of a WeakMap is if you want to attach some metadata to DOM objects. Lets say you want to keep track of how many times <p> nodes on the page have been clicked:

// set up metadata click map
let clickMap = new WeakMap()

// on each click, add the p to the map
// (with initial click) or increment its
// click count
$('p').click(function () {
  let pNode = this
  let clicks = clickMap.get(pNode)

  if (!clicks) {
    clicks = 0

  clicks.set(pNode, ++clicks)

The reason using a WeakMap is advantageous in this example is that if a given <p> node gets removed from the DOM, we don't have to know when that happens in order to delete it from our map so that the node can be garbage collected. If the node is removed from the DOM and nothing else has a reference to it, then it will automagically be removed from our WeakMap because it held a reference to the node weakly.


A set can also be thought of as a subset of a map as well. You could think of it as a map where the keys don't matter, but the values still need to remain distinct/unique. In fact, because ES5 didn't have an explicit set data structure, the best workaround has been to use a vanilla JavaScript object making the elements of our "set" the keys of the object. The values in the object would be some truthy value (like 1) to make existence testing easier, but the values themselves didn't really matter.

let nbaPlayers = {
  'Stephen Curry': true,
  'Kobe Bryant': true,
  'LeBron James': true,

if (nbaPlayers['Stephen Curry']) {
  // true
  console.log('Stephen Curry is an NBA player')
if (nbaPlayers['Ben Ilegbodu']) {
  // false :'(
  console.log('Ben Ilegbodu is an NBA player')

This works pretty well, but it has the same drawback as vanilla JavaScript objects as maps. The keys have to be strings. ES6 includes the Set data structure that will work with any values (not just strings).


The constructor takes an optional iterable of values that can be added initially to the Set object. If you choose to omit the iterable, then an empty Set object is created.

let steph = new Player('Stephen Curry')
let kobe = new Player('Kobe Bryant')
let lebron = new Player('LeBron James')

let initializedSet = new Set([steph, kobe, lebron])
let emptySet = new Set()

Handling values

Set shares many of the same properties/methods as Map too:

  • Set.prototype.size
  • Set.prototype.has(value), which is a lot faster than using Array.prototype.indexOf()
  • Set.prototype.delete(value)
  • Set.prototype.clear()

There is no Set.prototype.get() because there are no keys. And Map.prototype.set() is replaced by Set.prototype.add(value) for adding elements to the set. But just like Map.prototype.set(), Set.prototype.add() returns a reference to the instance so it's chainable.

let steph = new Player('Stephen Curry')
let kobe = new Player('Kobe Bryant')
let lebron = new Player('LeBron James')

let allStars = new Set()

  .add(steph) // duplicates are removed

// output: false
console.log(allStars.has('Kevin Durant'))

// output: true


// output: 2


// output: 2

A couple of methods I wish Set came with:

  • Set.prototype.addAll(iterable) to add a list of items to the set in one call instead of having to iterate over a list and call Set.prototype.add() on each iteration
  • Set.prototype.hasAll(iterable) to check to see if every item in the list is in the set
  • Set.prototype.deleteAll(iterable) to delete every item in the list from the set

Maybe they will get added in future specifications.


Set has the same 3 methods that return iterators that Map has:

  • Set.prototype.values() returns an iterator over just the values of the set
  • Set.prototype.keys() returns the same iterator as Set.prototype.values() since Set only has values. It exists for parity with Map
  • Set.prototype.entries() returns an iterator over [key, value] pairs of the set where key and value are the same values. It too exists for parity with Map

The default iterator for Set is Set.prototype.values() so you can easily iterate over a Set object with for-of or Set.prototype.forEach():

for (let allStar in allStars) {

allStars.forEach((value, key, setRef) => {

  // In a set the value & key are the same
  console.log(value === key)

  // The third parameter is a reference to the
  // instance
  console.log(setRef === allStars)

It also means that you can easily clone a Set object since the constructor accepts an iterable:

let allStarsClone = new Set(allStars)

Lastly, you can combine Set's de-duping nature with the spread operator to create a de-dupe array helper:

function dedupe(array) {
  return [ Set(array)]

let noDupesArray = dedupe([1, 2, 1, 4, 7, 3, 1])

// output: [1, 2, 4, 7, 3]

Set operations

Common non-mutating operations performed on sets are union, intersection, and difference. They're non-mutating because they don't change the underlying set but return a new object containing the items. Unfortunately, the Set object in ECMAScript 6 does not have any of those methods. However, with some other ES6 functionality we can implement them ourselves.

Union implementation

Union (a ∪ b in set notation) is a new Set object that contains both the elements of set a and set b. This is pretty straightforward to implement in ES6. Using the spread operator, we can create an array which is the concatenation of both sets and then create a new Set object from that (which will also de-dupe):

function union(setA, setB) {
  return new Set([...setA, ...setB])

let setUnion = union(
  new Set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
  new Set(['d', 'e', 'f', 'g']),

// output: 8

Intersection implementation

Intersection (a ∩ b in set notation) is a new Set object that contains the elements that exist in both set a and set b. The implementation is a bit more involved, but not too bad. Essentially, we need to include the elements of a in the new set if they exist in b:

function intersection(setA, setB) {
  return new Set([...setA].filter((item) => setB.has(item)))

let setIntersection = intersection(
  new Set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
  new Set(['d', 'e', 'f', 'g']),

// output: 1

So what we do is first convert setA into an array (using the spread operator) so we can leverage Array.prototype.filter(). Then once we've filtered out all the items in setB that aren't in setA we have have an array of the intersection, which we convert into a Set object.

Difference implementation

Difference (a \ b) is a new Set object that contains the elements in a that are not in b. Its implementation is similar to intersection except we want the ones in a that are not in b:

function difference(setA, setB) {
  return new Set([...setA].filter((item) => !setB.has(item)))

let setDifference = difference(
  new Set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
  new Set(['d', 'e', 'f', 'g']),

// output: 3


A WeakSet is basically the combination of a Set and a WeakMap. Just like a Set it only contains unique values. And just like a WeakMap its not iterable, the values must be objects, and those values are available for garbage collection.

The use case for a WeakSet is similar to that of a WeakMap, except the data you wanted to store in the object is a simple boolean. Essentially the presence of the object in the set is all the information you need.

Let's take our WeakMap example from before, but instead of keeping track of how many times a <p> tag had been clicked, we just want to know that it had been clicked:

// set up set of clicked nodes
let clickedNodes = new WeakSet()

// on each click, add the p to the set
$('p').click(function () {
  let pNode = this


And because the WeakSet holds onto its references weakly, if a DOM node is removed from the DOM or otherwise has no other references to it, it'll also be removed from the WeakSet object.

Inheriting from collections

So let's wrap up our discussion and talk about creating derived classes from these new collection objects. We learned in the article on classes that native classes can now be derived in ES6.

We may want to derive from Map to add the following functionality:

  • Map.prototype.get(key, defaultValue) to retrieve a default value if the value for the specified key didn't exist (or was undefined)
  • Map.prototype.filter(testFunc) so that we don't have to convert into an intermediary array to create a new filtered Map
  • so that we don't have to convert into an intermediary array to create a new Map with mapped values
  • Map.prototype.clone(iterable) as an alternative to passing a Map object to the Map constructor
  • Map.convert(vanillaObj) to go from an ES5-style map to an ES6 Map

We may want to derive from Set to add the following functionality:

  • Set.prototype.addAll(iterable) to add a list of items to the set in one call instead of having to iterate over a list and call Set.prototype.add() on each iteration
  • Set.prototype.hasAll(iterable) to check to see if every item in the list is in the set
  • Set.prototype.deleteAll(iterable) to delete every item in the list from the set
  • Set.prototype.some(testFunc) to return true if testFunc returns true for one of the items in the set
  • Set.prototype.every(testFunc) to return true if testFunc returns true for all of the items in the set
  • Set.prototype.union(otherSet) to union the set with another set
  • Set.prototype.intersection(otherSet) to intersect the set with another set
  • Set.prototype.difference(otherSet) to get the difference between the set and another set

JavaScript engine support

Because these 4 new collections aren't new syntax, but new APIs, polyfills are needed to provide functionality for Map, Set, WeakMap & WeakSet. Babel & TypeScript partner with the core-js library to provide the polyfills for the 4 collections. Traceur itself has polyfills for Map & Set but not for WeakMap or WeakSet.

All of the modern browsers and servers support all 4 collections, so this is the rare case where there is more functionality in the browsers than in the transpiler.

Additional resources

As always, you can check out the Learning ES6 examples page for the Learning ES6 Github repo where you will find all of the code used in this article running natively in the browser. You can also get some practice with ES6 collections using ES6 Katas.

There is also lots of great reading to deep dive into these ES6 collections:

Coming up next....

After much build up, we're finally going to talk about iterators and iterables. By now you should have a pretty high-level understanding of how they work, but we'll deep dive into them so we can have a full understanding. They'll also provide a nice groundwork for generators to follow afterwards. Until then...

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Hi, I'm Ben Ilegbodu. 👋🏾

I'm a Christian, husband, and father of 3, with 15+ years of professional experience developing user interfaces for the Web. I'm a Google Developer Expert Frontend Architect at Stitch Fix, and frontend development teacher. I love helping developers level up their frontend skills.

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